Ifinity shapes IoT European Market

Ifinity shapes IoT European Market

Ifinity joins AIOTI as founder member to boost European IoT market.

Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation was launched in Brussels to help Europe and European companies get a global lead on the Internet of Things and foster a connected Digital Single Market without barriers.
The Declaration was signed by Günther H. Oettinger European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society and AIOTI members. The Alliance brings together Europe’s largest tech and digital companies like Alcatel, Cisco, IBM, Nokia, Volvo and the most innovative startups. The AIOTI hopes to strengthen links and build new relationships between the different Internet of Things players and sectors
The Alliance will also promote interoperability and convergence between standards, facilitate policy debates and prepare a European Commission’s initiative for large scale testing and experimentation.
Ifinity as a technology provider will play the key role in AIOTI working groups of smart: cities, mobility, environment and manufacturing.